False expectations in training

Most people notice a lot of progress in the first year of doing CrossFit. This is what a lot of coaches call ‘’newbie gains’’. It’s when an individual that is new to the sport rapidly makes progress. This is a pretty common phenomenon. 

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How to write weakness-fixing WODs

For you to know your weaknesses you need data that is collected in a enviroment that is controlled as much as possible, what I mean is that you should aim to control the variables as much as possible. For instance:

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Can CrossFit build muscle?

CrossFit aims to increase fitness in various ways and systems. A well rounded CrossFit program should include strength work, conditioning, speed work, mobility, bodyweight exercises, etc.

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How deep should you squat?

The depth of a squat is determined by the individual’s capability and then by the requirements for their sport/function. Some sports don´t require a really deep squat and some sports do. You always want to keep in mind that, even though a sport requires a specific range, if you are not able to go through that range yet, it is always best to progressively move to that range instead of trying to jump through the range while the body is not mobile, stable or has enough motor control yet. It is very important that we don´t rush ourselves to hit a specific movement standard.

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How to warm up for CrossFit

Starting a workout “cold” is never a good idea, starting your workout with a light warming up ensures your body is ready to train. The purpose of a general warming up which should always come before specific warming up, is to increase the blood flow and heart rate. General warmup can be anything that doesn't really tax the body, and shouldn't take long 5-10 min is more than enough. 

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4 Beginner CrossFit mistakes we often times see

A lot of times, beginners look up to individuals that have been doing CrossFit or functional fitness for a longer time than them. Whilst this is a good thing, a lot of individuals some times take it a little too far. At the end of the day, you are in the gym for self-improvement. It sometimes really disturbs the crap out of me to see people so desperate to not be the last one to finish while that is completely irrelevant and subjective to the level of fitness of the group. People in the group could be cheating, or they could be just really good at that specific piece, or they are just better then you are. But the way the individuals feel are still dependent on their environment, maybe if they signed up for that day at another time the general level of fitness is lower. Making them feel better, it should not be an indicator of happiness or feeling bad. Making personal progress should be an incentive.

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